The weather was cloudy and cool and was perfect for the hike. The children were all excited and started off running, little did they know that they were going to walk about 2 or more miles. We parents chatted and enjoyed the greenery around us. We could see the reservoir from the trail we took. The views were beautiful.

After more than a mile it was time for snacks and a break posing for pictures and all. After some rest it was time to head back. This time around there was some whining from the kids but all in all they did great. The highlight of the hike for me was sighting the peacock near where we had parked. We were tired and ready to go back home and we see this peacock with lovely bright colors showing off his elegance not afraid of kids or us. We clicked so many pictures of that bird and he was a big showoff.

We were really hungry by now and my daughter and me headed to Chaat Bhawan for some yummy parathas and chaat. A wonderful day came to an end and now I am all set for another hike.
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