Friends were going camping during the labour day weekend and invited us. I never say no when it is being one with the nature. Though work was hectic, I decided to go for it. We were four families altogether and two of the families left on Friday evening itself. Most of my team mates were working over the long weekend but I decided to skip work since all of us were not needed. I figured I was done impressing the bosses :) and now I needed to enjoy my time. Friday evening I shopped for the stuff I had agreed to bring and packed the car with lots of comforters, tent and some clothes, ready to drive on Saturday. On Saturday morning, I woke up early, took shower since I knew for the next two days there would be no shower, woke Shreya up and started driving. This campsite (Granite Flat ) that we were camping at only had toilets but no showers. A friend joined us for the ride with her daughter so it was fun for both me and Shreya. We were all chatting away. We even lost our way because we were focused on chatting, but after a detour we were back on track and after four hours of driving we reached our destination. Our home for the two nights was setup.

The evening started getting colder and we started a bonfire. Cooked some pav bhaji and roasted marshmallows and corn...yummm After dinner it was just so fun sitting around and playing antakshari singing aloud all those old hindi songs.
The campsite was right next to the Truckee river. But since it is September the river was very mellow and the water pretty cold. But we used the river total desi style, we brushed out teeth and washed our faces in the morning, washed the dishes and even clothes on some occasions, waded and played in it and polluted the water as much as we could.
The nights were pretty freezing cold and sleeping was a little tough but no complains. We drove to Lake Tahoe ( Meeks Bay ) on Sunday afternoon so the kids could swim in the lake. The water was cold but the kids braved it and had a gala time.
Got home Monday evening all tired and dirty but being out makes me happy happy, well worth the effort.