After lunch everyday, usually I go for walks with my friends at work. I look forward to these walks, since they give me the pleasure of spending my time chatting away with friends just about anything and everything and also this is the only exercise I get. I am one of those who picks up small rocks, twigs, leaves, pine cones anything that grabs my attention and I bring them home or diplay them in my office. It just makes me feel like I am amidst nature. On a windy day I found all these dried twigs that had fallen from the trees and I brought them home. I spray painted them with a can of brown paint and placed them in a vase. Well this season all around me is about Christmas and the holidays. To keep the spirit ongoing at home I wanted to do something with the daughter. She wanted me to get a tree, but I am not for cutting down trees just for the heck of it. I know these pine trees are grown every year so they can be cut, but still I wanted to do something festive with what we already had. I spent two dollars and got some ornaments and we decorated the twigs I had. I picked some more twigs today from my walk and added to my collection. So voila we now have a unique christmas tree of our own. A very happy new year to all of you. Hope 2009 is terror free !